Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Apparently my idea of a job has been severly limited by my small and scary world view of TUNNEL VISION.

Dudes, did you know there is a job out there called a "Futurist"? Swear to god, I thought I made that shit up when I was blathering on about becoming a future historian. Theoretically, it should exist only in my head because now I am insanely jealous that some old dude with money out there HAS my job. (Obviously it is mine for I have the flag in this argument.)

Also, there is an entire graduate and doctorate level program on COMIC BOOKS at UF. HOLY BATSHIT AWESOME! They produce an academic journal which has been insanely helpful in my comparison/contrast paper of vigilante superheroes in the 80's (ie: Watchmen and The Dark Knight). I'll totally post that one up later, it should be made of awesome.

That is all, there is a Maria monster to chatter with on GMAILchat.

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